Law Council of Australia

Legal Practice Section

Victorian Young Property Lawyer of the Year Award

The Victorian Young Property Lawyer of the Year Award is designed to recognise and encourage the talent and achievements of young property law practitioners. It is also an opportunity to highlight this area of practice in your firm and across the profession.

The Award is conducted annually by the Law Council of Australia, through its Australian Property Law Group in the Legal Practice Section. The Law Institute of Victoria (LIV), through its Property and Environmental Law Section also support this Award.

The Victorian Young Property Lawyer of the Year will be selected by the judging panel and will receive a certificate and a cash prize of $1,000.

2024 Round - Call for nominations

The 2024 round for the Victorian Young Property Lawyer of the Year Award is now closed.

Eligibility Criteria

Key Criteria

Nominations must include the nominee’s professional legal career CV (abbreviated version), a detailed illustration of how the nominee has met the award criteria (with examples), two professional or personal references (one may be by a nominee’s employer); and a statement of the area(s) of practice engaged in by the nominee and the nature of matters handled by the nominee.

Previous recipients


Chelsea De Silva
Executive Officer
T. 02 6246 3722

Last Updated on 12/02/2025



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