Law Council of Australia



Please find below links to key RRR resources.

National Strategic Plan

In 2020 the Law Council, drawing upon the expertise of the Constituent Bodies, the Law Council’s RRR Committee and the Justice Project Report, developed a RRR National Strategic Plan. The National Strategic Plan focuses on five key areas for action, with the corresponding projects to be implemented by the Law Council over 2021-23. Learn more.

The Justice Project

In 2017-2018 the Law Council undertook a national, comprehensive review into the state of access to justice in Australia for people experiencing significant disadvantage. Learn more.


As part of its commitment in its National Strategic Plan, the Law Council will develop policy positions and recommendations to government about how technology be used, and/or ought to be adjusted, to improve access to justice in RRR areas. Learn more.


The Law Council has and continues to engage in advocacy on RRR issues. Learn more.

News and Media

A webpage dedicated to news and media relating to RRR law. Learn more.


Last Updated on 16/06/2021

