Equitable Briefing Policy
The Law Council’s Equitable Briefing Policy is intended to drive cultural change within the legal profession, support opportunities for career development, progression and retention, and address the significant pay gap and underrepresentation of women at the Australian Bar.
The Policy, which is voluntary, is available for adoption by either a Briefing Entity (which can include corporations, law firms, organisations, government bodies, partnerships, or a body who recommends or briefs Australian barristers to advise or to appear in Australia or overseas) or a Barrister (collectively referred to as Adoptees).
The Policy currently establishes a long-term target for Adoptees to brief women barristers in at least 30 per cent of all briefs and pay women barristers at least 30 per cent of the total value of all brief fees.
Sign up to the Equitable Briefing Policy
To sign up for the Equitable Briefing Policy, please click on the button below.
For more information, interested organisations or individuals can review the Policy's Terms and Conditions here.
Annual report for the 2023-24 Financial Year
The reporting period for 2023–2024 is now closed. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Law Council.

- Tiphanie Acreman
- Daniel Aghion KC
- Raphael Ajzensztat
- Matthew Albert
- Larissa Andelman
- Greg Antipas
- Karen Argiropoulos SC
- Lachlan Armstrong KC
- Susan Aufgang
- James Barber KC
- Marianne Barker
- Lucy Barnes
- Michelle Barnes
- Martin Bartfeld AM KC
- Jennifer Batrouney AM KC
- Josephine Battiste
- Justine Beaumont SC
- Hayley Bennett
- Carmella Ben-Simon
- Nicholas Bentley
- Eliza Bergin
- Michael Bersten
- Renée Bianchi
- Prue Bindon
- Leonie Bird
- Felicity Blair
- Natalie Blok
- Daniel Bongiorno
- Dr Elizabeth Boros KC
- Michael Borsky KC
- Mark Brabazon SC
- Kim Bradey
- Susan Brennan SC
- Justin Brereton
- Peter Brereton SC
- Zoë Brereton
- Madeleine Bridgett
- Victoria Brigden
- Daniel Briggs
- Chester Brown
- Greg Buchhorn
- Kate Burke SC
- Louise Byrne
- Bronwyn Byrnes
- Patricia Cahill SC
- Melanie Cairns
- Christoper Caleo KC
- Sophie Callan SC
- Fiona Cameron
- Natalie Campbell
- Paul Carasco
- Chris Carr SC
- Philip Carr
- Amanda Carruthers
- Justin Carter
- Deanna Caruso
- Adam Casselden SC
- David Catterns KC
- Peter Cawthorn KC
- Roshan Chaile
- Catherine Chiang
- Shipra Chordia
- Samantha Cipriano
- Ffyona Livingstone Clark
- Tom Clarke
- Andrew Clements KC
- Daniel Clough
- Grace Morgan Cocks
- Hannah Cohley
- Matthew Collins AM KC
- Georgina Connelly SC
- Hayley Cormann
- Diana Costaras
- David Cox
- Gabi Crafti SC
- Phillip Crutchfield KC
- Carmen Currie
- Juliet Curtin
- Richard Dalton KC
- Clare Dart
- Rebecca Davern
- Lucy Davis
- Caroline J Dawes
- Mark Dempsey SC
- Catherine Dermody
- Mayada Dib
- Glenn Dickson
- Georgia Douglas
- Kess Dovey
- Cathy Dowsett
- Caitlin Dwyer
- Kate Eastman SC
- Fiona Ellis
- Courtney Ensor
- Jonathan Evans KC
- Anthony Eyers
- Tim Farhall
- Adam Faro
- Karen J Le Faucheur
- Marc Felman KC
- Darren Ferrari
- Lisa De Ferrari SC
- Steven Finch SC
- Marcus Finlay
- Jenny Firkin KC
- Talitha Fishburn
- Mu Uche Okereke Fisher
- Megan Fitzgerald
- Sarala Fitzgerald
- Simon Fitzpatrick
- Tyneil Flaherty
- Marcus Fleming
- Sally Flynn KC
- Kathleen Foley SC
- Marita Foley SC
- Ian Fraser
- Dr Ian Freckelton AO KC
- Monika Furman
- Dr Daye Gang
- Erin Gardner
- Victoria Gilliland
- Catherine Gleeson SC
- Jeff Gleeson KC
- Sophie Goddard SC
- Briana Goding
- Sarah Baker Goldsmith
- Timothy Goodwin
- Harrison Grace
- Justin Graham KC
- Julie Granger
- Simon Grant
- Geraldine Gray
- Patrick Griffin SC
- Ivan Griscti
- Dean Guidolin SC
- Asanka Gunasekera
- Min Guo
- Astrid Haban-Beer
- Catherine Hamilton-Jewell
- Amy Hando
- P Justin Hannebery KC
- Lisa Hannon KC
- Dr Kristine Hanscombe KC
- Nick Harrington
- Margaux Harris
- Wendy Harris KC
- Haroon Hassan
- Samuel Hay KC
- James Healy
- Sally Heidenreich
- Calum Henderson
- Elspeth Hensler
- Taruna Heuzenroeder
- St John Hibble
- Natalie Hickey
- Kylie Hillard
- Zoë Hillman
- Laura Hilly
- Sahrah Hogan
- Dominique Hogan-Doran SC
- Justin Hogan-Doran SC
- Kate Holocombe KC
- David Hooke SC
- Matthew Hooper SC
- Stephanie Hooper
- Irina Hoskinson
- Leigh Howard
- Louise Hulmes
- Noel Hutley SC
- Mark Irving KC
- Marion Isobel
- Chad Jacobi KC
- Simone Jacobson
- Jocelyn Jaffray
- Holly Jager
- Liam James
- Glenys Jardine
- Michelle Jenkins
- Christie Jones
- Tamasin Jonker
- Rachel Joseph
- Stephen Jurica
- Sandra Karabidian
- Matt Karam
- Mary Keaney
- Siobhan Kelly
- Matthew Kenneally
- Ingrid King
- Andrew Kirby
- Jonathan Kirkwood SC
- Lucy Kirwan
- David Klempfner
- Kim Knights
- Fiona Knowles
- Phoebe Knowles
- Richard Knowles KC
- Aphrodite Kouloubaritsis
- Sharon Lacy SC
- Greg Laughton SC
- Grace Lawson
- Angela Lee
- Rebecca Jane Lee
- Craig Lenehan SC
- Franceska Leoncio
- John Lai-Mun Leung
- Khai-Yin Lim
- Lucy Line
- Paul Livingstone
- Emma Luck
- Christopher Lum
- James Lyons KC
- Elle Nikou Madalin
- Sashi Maharaj KC
- Stewart Maiden KC
- Helena Maria Mann
- Melissa Marcus
- Sophie Mariole
- Simon Marks KC
- Leah Marrone
- Louise Martin
- Shanta Martin
- Ian Martindale KC
- Liam McAuliffe
- James McDougall
- Lucy McGovern
- Daniel McInerney KC
- Clare McKay
- Morgan McLay
- Fiona McLeod AO SC
- Victoria McLeod
- David McLure SC
- Christine Melis
- Tessa Meyrick
- Sera Mirzabegian SC
- Travis Mitchell SC
- Albert Monichino KC
- Andreia Monteiro
- Edward Moon
- Jonathon Moore KC
- David Morgan
- Arthur Moses SC
- Carolyn Moss
- Wayne Muddle SC
- Camerson Murphy
- Terry Murphy KC
- Katrina Musgrove
- Edward Muston SC
- Trudy Naylor
- David Neal SC
- Marco Patrick Nesbeth
- Daniel Nguyen
- Maree Norton SC
- Michael O’Haire
- Peter O'Farrell SC
- Thomas Offer
- Kateena O'Gorman SC
- Paul O'Grady KC
- Reiko Okazaki
- Nicholas Olson
- Robert O'Neill SC
- Tahn O'Rourke
- Meg O'Sullivan KC
- Patrick Over
- Michelle Painter SC
- Nicholas Papas KC
- Stephen Parmenter KC
- Nola Pearce
- Brad Penno
- Emma Peppler
- Olivia Perkiss
- James Peters AM KC
- Elly Phelan
- Lisa Maree Lo Piccolo
- Shivani Pillai
- Sarah Porritt
- Emily Porter SC
- Richard Potter SC
- Rebecca Preston
- Diana Price
- Michael Pruscino
- Jane Rawlings
- Stephen Rebikoff SC
- Darren Renton SC
- Georgina Rhodes
- Garry Rich SC
- Katherine Marie Richardson SC
- Michael Rivette
- Carly Roberton
- Alexandra Rose
- Michael Rush KC
- Jeremy Ruskin KC
- Miguel Belmar Salas
- Lee-May Saw
- Martin Scott KC
- Richard Scruby SC
- Stephanie Scully
- John Searle
- John Sheahan KC
- Anne Sheehann
- Jo Shepard
- Anne Sibree
- Justin Simpkins
- Michael Sims SC
- Carly Sluiter
- Paul Smallwood
- Kieran Smark SC
- Anastasia Smietanka
- John Southalan
- Fiona Spencer SC
- Michael Stanton SC
- Dan Star KC
- Jodi Steele SC
- Mark Steele SC
- Bill Stephenson
- Jeremy Styles
- Helen Symon KC
- Sonia Tame
- Julie Taylor SC
- Christopher Taylor-Burch
- Philip Teo
- Penny Thew
- Daniel Edward Thomas
- Sarah Thomas
- Helen Tiplady
- Benjamin Tomasi
- Jennifer Trewhella
- Cam Truong KC
- Leo Tsaknis
- Rachel Varshney
- Holly Veale
- Minal Vohra SC
- Gillian Walker SC
- The Hon Kristen Walker KC
- Huw Watkins
- Dr Kylie Weston-Scheuber
- Lesley Whalan SC
- Eugene Wheelahan
- Patrick Wheelahan KC
- Jonathan Wilkison
- Jillian Williams
- Kate Williams SC
- Anthony Willinge
- Peta Willoughby
- Marea Wilson
- Michelle Wilson
- R Tyson Wodak
- Christopher Wood SC
- Danielle Woods
- Julie Wright
- Alistair Wyvill SC
- Rachael Young SC
- Paul Yovich SC
- Raini Zambelli
- Equitable Briefing Policy Annual Report 2016–2017.
- Equitable Briefing Policy Annual Report 2017–2018.
- Equitable Briefing Policy Annual Report 2018–2019.
- Equitable Briefing Policy 2018-2019 Infographic.
- Equitable Briefing Policy Annual Report 2019–2020.
- Equitable Briefing Policy Annual Report 2020–2021.
- Equitable Briefing Policy Annual Report 2021–2022.
- Equitable Briefing Policy Annual Report 2022–2023.
The 2022 Review considered matters including whether the reporting targets should be revised, whether the Policy should address additional areas of diversity, and whether the terminology used in the Policy is up-to-date. Accordingly, in November 2022, the Policy was updated in accordance with the findings of the Review.
For any queries in relation to the Equitable Briefing Policy please contact:
John Farrell
T. 02 6246 3714
E. John.Farrell@lawcouncil.au
Last Updated on 12/02/2025
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