Virtual Presidents’ Roundtable ‘Resilience through COVID-19’
Speech delivered by Pauline Wright, President of the Law Council of Australia at the virtual President's Roundtable - ‘Resilience through COVID-19’, 27 April 2020.
"Since it first emerged last December, COVID-19 has had a devastating impact, requiring governments worldwide to navigate uncharted waters to maintain public health and safety.
Measures to control the spread of COVID-19 have affected almost every aspect of our lives – where we can go, what we can do, who we can see. Such restrictions are totally alien to Australians used to living in a liberal democracy.
Governments across Australia have restricted our behaviour including requiring us to maintain social distancing, to not gather in groups of more than two, and to stay at home except where necessary to buy essential supplies, exercise, or work if that cannot be done from home."
Read full speech below.
Last Updated on 05/08/2020
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