Ceremonial Sitting of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – Judge Louise Goodchild and Judge Constantina (Dina) Lioumis
Speech delivered by Mr Luke Murphy, President of the Law Council of Australia, at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Sydney, 16 March 2023.
"May it please the Court.
I also respectfully acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation and I pay my respects to their Elders both past and present, and Elders from other communities who may be here today.
I acknowledge the Assistant Minister for Defence, Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Assistant Minister for the Republic and the Federal Member for Kingsford Smith, The Hon Matt Thistlewaite MP; Chief Justice, The Hon. Justice William Alstergren AO; President of the Australian Bar Association, Mr Peter Dunning KC; President of the Law Society of NSW, Ms Cassandra Banks; all judicial officers; dignitaries and colleagues; and most of all Your Honours; and Your Honours’ family, friends and colleagues.
It is an honour to represent the Law Council of Australia at this morning’s ceremony and to appear on behalf of the national legal profession to welcome Your Honours appointments and to extend the professions congratulations and best wishes.
In accepting your appointments to this Court your honours have selflessly and courageously accepted the burden of Judicial life. A Judicial appointment it has been said is one of the truest examples of public service - it is a genuine service being work done for the good of the public, the wider community. This statement is no truer than when applied to this court’s work. The Family Court of Australia was established as a specialist, multidisciplinary court that would have as its core, consideration of the best interests of children when resolving family disputes."
Read the full speech below.
Last Updated on 12/04/2023