Law Council of Australia


Ceremonial Sitting of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – Judge Jonathan Forbes and Judge Catherine Symons

Speech delivered via online by Dr Jacoba Brasch QC, President of the Law Council of Australia, at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Melbourne, 11 October 2021.

"It is an honour to be with you all today. The marvels of technology means we can come together from the west, to the east and all in between, over various time zones to join in this ceremony.

I acknowledge Madam Attorney-General, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, the Chief Justice, The Hon. Justice William Alstergren; all judicial officers; dignitaries; and colleagues; and most of all Your Honours Judge Forbes and Judge Symonds, and Your Honours’ families, friends and colleagues. I have absolutely no doubt they will all be bursting with immense pride.

On behalf of all the lawyers of Australia, congratulations to you both."

Read full speech below.

Last Updated on 15/10/2021


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