Law Council of Australia


Information for the legal profession on the COVID-19 outbreak

The Law Council has been monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak closely as it evolves, including updates and advice from State and Territory Government departments and the World Health Organisation. The Law Council, is currently working on a response plan with a goal to minimise the impact of COVID-19 on our operations. This response will be guided by the Australian Government’s recommendations and comply with health warnings and employer obligations.

The offices of the Law Council remain open.

However, if you, or someone you have been in close contact with, has recently returned from overseas, or are currently experiencing symptoms, please take the necessary isolation precautions and do not attend the Law Council’s offices.

The Law Council will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will update this advice as necessary.


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Law Societies and Bar Associations

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales




South Australia

Northern Territory

Western Australia

The Courts

Law Council Sections

Last Updated on 05/08/2020



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