Ceremonial Sitting - The Honourable Justice Steven Strickland
Speech delivered by Dr Jacoba Brasch QC, President of the Law Council of Australia at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Adelaide, 8 November 2021.
"I also acknowledge all judicial officers, dignitaries, family, friends, and, most of all: Justice Strickland, I am honoured to appear on behalf the national legal profession to congratulate you on an exemplary career.
Your Honour’s fierce advocacy for family law, steadfast commitment to the legal profession, and principled promotion of the administration of justice for the vulnerable, have forged an extraordinary legacy.
Yours has been a tenure defined by many ‘firsts’. You were the first exclusively Family Law-practising silk to be appointed in South Australia, the first member of the Bar to be appointed to the Court in the Adelaide registry’s history1, the first Chair of the Family Law Section to be appointed Judge while still in the Chair, and the first South Australian judge appointed to the Appeals Division2.
Of the Court’s currently serving members, you are the longest serving, and the only current member appointed before the turn of the millennium."
You can read the full speech below.
1. Justice Strickland’s Associates’ Advice – the South Australian Independent Bar was relatively recent when he came to the Bar.
2 https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/IELAPA.201011435
Last Updated on 22/08/2024